Strawberry Magic (+Cake)
Strawberry Magic relates to the sweetness of memories. Their season may be fleeting, yet the moments we share with them are long l [...]
Strawberry Magic relates to the sweetness of memories. Their season may be fleeting, yet the moments we share with them are long l [...]
Artichokes on the table Nemo Me Impune Lacessit(No One Attacks Me With Impunity)~motto of the Order of the ThistleAn artichoke is [...]
Pasta e Fagioli is one of those dishes where looks can be deceiving. What seems like a humble bowl of pasta & beans has, in f [...]
What is Samhain? Samhain pronounced "sow-en," means "November" in Gaelic. There are a couple of iterations of the word, depending [...]
The welcome sign entering my mother in-law's village, Gallura region of Sardinia In Sardinia, people tend to live longer than in [...]
Dutch? German? Finnish? My pancake has an identity crisis. Discover how food can be a gateway into learning about your ancestors and where they came from.
Saffron, Ricotta, and Honey are one of the holy trinities of Sardinian cuisine. I was interviewed about Saffron and its importance [...]
Caponata is an iconic Sicilian dish with a variety of regional recipes. Recipes adapt over time. The important thing is we care en [...]
Do you ever stop to think about why we still celebrate many ancient harvest festivals? Halloween, also known as Samhain, Thanksgiv [...]
Ricotta Stuffed Nectarines Golden Apples The Golden Apples of Asgard are magic apples that grow in a golden orchard in Asgard. Asg [...]