In the Episode:

  • Why is Ancestral Veneration for Children important?
  • The 4 Keys I use to teach people how to access the Ancestral Wisdom entwined in our DNA
  • How you can pass Ancestral Practices to Any Children that You Love
  • Why the Ancestors are our Kids’ Best Spiritual Allies
  • Kids Ancestral Legacy, and turning Burdens into Blessings – or Superpowers!
  • How your Ancestors have honed certain skill sets over the generations to Help You Live Your Best Life.
  • 10+ simple, down-to-earth rituals and ceremonies you can use to engage your children in Ancestral Veneration Practices, today!
    (Using the 4 Keys: Food, Land, Tradition, and Magic as our guides)
  • Talking to Living Elders & Elder Care in Pandemic times
  • How to Deal with Troubled Ancestors
  • How to Work with Ancestors of Place

Why is Ancestor Veneration Important for Children?

Because it can help them with their daily lives.

We all come to comprehend death the hard way – through experiencing the death of a loved one. Having an Ancestral practice can help comfort kids during these difficult transitional times if they know that our loved ones are never really inaccessible to us.

At some point, our little ones will lose someone they love, and we’ll have to help them with those transitions. So it’s good to have some tools in place to help us.

Also, no problem is too small to bring to our Ancestors because they’ve been through it before – daily frustrations, self-esteem, relationship problems, anger, fears, depression, discontent …the whole range of human emotion. They want us and our kids, and their kids to be happy.

If you knew you had an Otherwordly team at your back when you were young, you’d have felt like a superhero!

When we connect with our ancestors through honoring them, we have access to their very real wisdom, their practical knowledge, and their loving advice for how we can navigate our own sticky circumstances as we walk the Earth.

Ancestors Help Kids Be Themselves

When kids learn that they have Ancestors who had the same interests as them or maybe struggled with similar problems it can help them feel less alone. When children connect with their Ancestors they begin to understand that their lineages have evolved down the line, by honing specific skill sets.

These skill sets helped our ancestors survive, as the skills became more refined over generations. That is how our ancestors have lovingly and individually equipped us to face whatever challenges we come across in our daily lives. These skills are meant to help us not only survive but thrive.

Therefore, working with the ancestors reinforces to young ones just how important it is to follow our passions and live life in the ways that feel natural to us, as individuals. When we do this, we are using their legacy, their delicately tuned wisdom. That’s just for us.

If we knew this growing up, it might make our differences feel special, like superpowers instead of something to be hidden or worse changed, and unlearned.

Get ideas for how to engage children from any age in this work when you listen to the episode. I hope you enjoy introducing the Ancestors to the children in your life.

Why We Bake in Times of Crisis
Beginning Ancestral Veneration for Children (blog)
Navigating Coronavirus with Elders
5 Ways to Start Building Ancestral Legacy Today