If you’re fascinated by the enchanting season of Yule and how it can be celebrated in today’s world, you’ve come to the right place. A Guide to Celebrating the 12 Days of Yule dives deep into the heart of Yule, exploring its rich traditions, rituals, and meanings.
In this post, I’m  sharing insights from a recent Q&A session for those who couldn’t attend and for anyone wishing to revisit the discussion. Let’s unravel the essence of Yule and discover how it can bring joy, wonder, and a deeper connection to our lives and loved ones.

This is a long post, as it sums up a 40-minute live conversation. So, grab a hot drink and cozy in with a warm blanket.


Q: What do you find to be the most essential element of Yule that you hope readers will incorporate into their own celebrations?

A: Yule is fundamentally a celebration of light triumphing over darkness. It’s a period when the veil between worlds thins, offering a chance to experience the mystical side of life. This season encourages us to reconnect with the awe of our childhood, where magic was a tangible, living part of the world. The rituals of Yule, from lighting candles to setting intentions, are not mere symbols but avenues to reconnect with ourselves, the mystical elements around us, and our loved ones. I hope readers will embrace this sense of wonder and magic, seeing the world filled with possibilities and mystery.


Q: How can one integrate the rituals and practices from your book into modern family life, especially when blending different cultural or religious backgrounds?
A: Integrating Yule traditions into modern family life is about finding what resonates with your family’s unique blend of cultures and beliefs. It involves picking rituals and practices that align with your values and blending elements from each tradition to create a celebration that’s both inclusive and unique to your family.
Q: Can you offer advice for celebrating both the 12 Days of Yule and the traditional 12 Days of Christmas?
A: To honor both the 12 Days of Yule (Dec 20th-31st) and the 12 Days of Christmas (Dec 25th-Jan 6th), start by focusing on the overlapping days. Combine similar traditions and rituals from both, such as shared crafts or foods. On days unique to each celebration, delve into the specific aspects of that tradition, like building a Yule altar or celebrating Twelfth Night. Involve your children in discussions about the importance of each tradition, highlighting the beauty of your blended heritage.
Q: What are some effective ways to involve children in the Yule celebrations and rituals, making these traditions both fun and educational for them?
A: Involving children in Yule celebrations can be a joyous and educational experience. Engage them in crafting activities like making Yule decorations, where they can learn about the symbols of the season. Baking Yule treats together is not only fun but provides an opportunity to share the significance of each dish. Simple rituals, such as adding items to the Yule altar or setting out offerings, can also be inclusive ways for children to participate, fostering a deeper understanding of the traditions.

Read more: Beginning Ancestral Veneration for Children 


Q: How do you justify adaptations in your book that differ from historically documented practices?
A: While writing the book, I aimed to bridge the gap between historical accuracy and modern practicality. Given the differences between ancient and modern calendars, I adapted certain dates and practices to fit contemporary lifestyles. My intention wasn’t to alter history but to make these celebrations accessible and relevant today, respecting the essence of these ancient traditions while acknowledging modern life’s practicalities.
Q: What inspired the eclectic blend of Yule traditions in your book?
A: The eclectic blend of traditions in the book reflects the diverse and evolving nature of Yule. By combining different cultural practices, I aimed to showcase the multifaceted ways Yule has been celebrated, highlighting its rich history and variety. This approach creates a tapestry of traditions, offering readers a broad and inclusive perspective of Yule.
Q: How have your personal experiences and spiritual journey influenced the writing and content of this book?
A: My personal journey deeply influenced this book’s content. Drawing from a blend of ancestral wisdom, intuition, and formal study, I’ve explored how ancient traditions can be meaningful today. The book reflects my belief in seasonal celebrations as a way to connect more deeply with nature, community, and self. It’s a fusion of my experiences, presented to resonate with others exploring their paths.
Q: Can you recommend any books that you like about the Yule Season?
A: Absolutely! I recommend Pagan Christmas by Christian Rätsch and Claudia Müller-Ebeling. This book delves into the botanical aspects of Yule, weaving in historical practices, rituals, and folklore, providing a unique perspective on the season.


Q: How can one maintain and strengthen the connection to maternal ancestral spirits throughout the year?
A: To maintain this connection, consider setting up a regular ancestral altar with photographs and heirlooms. Celebrate their birthdays and significant dates, and involve yourself in genealogy research to understand your lineage better. You could also volunteer for causes they valued, serving as a living tribute to their legacy.

Read more: 5 Ways to Start Building Ancestral Legacy Today

Q: How do the recipes included in your book reflect the essence of Yule, and do they have any special symbolic meanings?
A: The recipes in my book are carefully curated to echo the spirit of Yule. Ingredients like spices, nuts, and dried fruits, which are prominent in Yule cuisine, symbolize warmth, abundance, and the return of light. Each recipe is imbued with meaning, reflecting the season’s themes and traditions.
Q: Have you ever had a Yule recipe go spectacularly wrong?
A: Indeed, I once had a Scottish shortbread recipe that worked perfectly in Vermont but completely flopped in Sardinia, turning into flat blobs! I managed to salvage the situation by crumbling the cookies into whipped cream, creating a delicious new dessert.

Q: If you could invite any mythological character or deity to your Yule celebration, who would it be and why?
A: I would invite Tonttu, the Yule gnome and a character who became my muse while writing this book. Tonttu, with his deep connection to hearth magic, embodies the spirit of protection and good fortune, resonating with the themes of warmth and enchantment that are central to Yule.
Q: How can I bring Yule Elves into my everyday life?
A: To incorporate Yule Elves into everyday life, consider creating small spaces in your home where they’re welcome, like a mini-altar or a dedicated shelf. Regularly leave small offerings or notes, and in return, ask for their guidance or blessings. Also, visit my website for an article on Yule Elves  , where I discuss how to work with them beyond the Yuletide season, integrating their magic into your daily life.
Q: Describe your dream Yule celebration – no limits on magic or reality!
A: It would take place in Ydalir, home of the Germanic God Wuldor, or Ullr. Ydalir is one of the main settings in the novel I am writing, Dreams of Ydalir  . The celebration would take place outside in a cozy, snow-covered forest glade lit by the soft glow of the Aurora Borealis. Surrounded by ancient yew trees, there would be a large, welcoming fire pit in the center, surrounded by benches covered in warm reindeer hides. Friends and family would gather, sharing stories, laughter, and horns full of warm, spiced mead. We’d feast on a lavish spread of seasonal delicacies brought by each guest, each dish carrying a special story or memory they hold dear, surrounded by the spirits of the forest. It would be a night where nature, magic, and human warmth come together, symbolizing the unity and joy of Yule.


Q: Are you planning any future books or projects on Yule traditions or other pagan festivals?
A: Yes, I plan to expand my monthly seasonal guides into a four-part book series, each focusing on a different season. These books will be in the same style as the Yule guide, offering practical ways to align our ancient hearts with the rhythm of the seasons.


With these additional questions and answers, I hope to have provided a comprehensive view of the magical and meaningful world of Yule celebrations. Whether you’re new to these traditions or looking to deepen your existing practices, there’s always room to grow and learn. May your Yule be filled with wonder, connection, and the joyful spirit of the season!


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