Pasta e Fagioli for Feralia
Pasta e Fagioli is one of those dishes where looks can be deceiving. What seems like a humble bowl of pasta & beans has, in f [...]
Pasta e Fagioli is one of those dishes where looks can be deceiving. What seems like a humble bowl of pasta & beans has, in f [...]
Get Ready for Valentine's Day Yes, I know what you are thinking, and I can hear your groan of discontent. I know Valentine's Day i [...]
When you see the Hearth as a portal to the Otherworld and domestic practices as potent Magic hiding in plain sight, there really i [...]
“La Befana vien di nottecon le scarpe tutte rottecol cappello alla romanaviva viva la Befana!”"The Befana comes at nightwearing ol [...]
Join the 12 Days of Yule Mini-Course! Sign me up! I want to help fill your days with Comfort, Joy & Magic! This mini-cour [...]
Old Ways for Modern Days Podcast · Old Ways for Modern Days Podcast - Episode 06 - Ancestral Veneration for Children In the Episod [...]
What is Samhain? Samhain pronounced "sow-en," means "November" in Gaelic. There are a couple of iterations of the word, depending [...]
Rowan, Mountain Ash, or Witch Tree. Rowan is a tree native to the cool temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. In Eu [...]
Enjoy monthly seasonal guides with ideas for how to celebrate the changing of the seasons. The monthly guides are generally 2 [...]
The welcome sign entering my mother in-law's village, Gallura region of Sardinia In Sardinia, people tend to live longer than in [...]