Lammas Berry Bread

Lammas, an age-old harvest festival, brings together communities to celebrate the season’s first bounty of berries and grain. Our ancestors participated in elaborate rituals and jubilant festivities on village greens, farmhouses, and barns, expressing gratitude for the crops and the laborers who toiled for their sustenance.

For a taste of summer enchantment, I’m thrilled to share Lammas Berry Bread. It’s more than a treat; it is a sensory experience transporting you through time, marrying the folklore and flavors of the past with the present. It also celebrates our ancestors, their deep connection to the land, and the joy of sharing food and stories with those we hold dear.

You can find this scrumptious seasonal berry bread in Botanical Anthology. With a reverence for summer and the plants associated with it, I am thrilled to share that I am once again a contributing author to this wonderful independent publication.  This summer 2023 edition is a plant lover’s dream, bringing you over 45 articles from 46 contributors to incorporate summer herbs in your apothecary, kitchen, foraging and gardening, crafts, and seasonal celebrations.

Botanical Anthology Summer 2023

 Some of what’s Inside:

  • Whip up an itch soothing salve, steep a California poppy tincture + infuse an evening primrose oil
  • Whisk a milky oats honey mustard, make watermint chocolate chip ice cream + bake a starflower cucumber cake
  • Grow amaranth, make fertilizer with comfrey + learn why you should add herbs to your garden
  • Create clay mushrooms, eco print with coreopsis + make sidewalk chalk
  • Form summer rituals, build a Lion’s Gate altar + discover rose family folklore
  • Celebrate Summer Solstice + Lammas with simple observances
  • Meet Rebecca Desnos, Susan Leopold + Tiffany Jones

From June 12th – 21st, 2023 receive the Botanical Anthology Summer edition download, plus our lavender bonus booklet download, for just $18

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