Carne Levare: The True Meaning of Carnevale (Carnival)
by Hansuan_Fabregas (Pixabay) Carnevale is a time of indulgence, but its roots are far more practical than decadent. Long before [...]
by Hansuan_Fabregas (Pixabay) Carnevale is a time of indulgence, but its roots are far more practical than decadent. Long before [...]
Tomba dei giganti, Passcaredda, Sardinia We are the ancestors returned. The ones they dreamed into being. The ones who carry th [...]
Discover the deep roots of Imbolc and Groundhog Day—how our ancestors read the land’s signs, honored hibernating animals, and wel [...]
Me and Robert Burns at the Birks O' Aberfeldy in 2014 Robert Burns, Scotland’s cultural ancestor, championed the common people, [...]
Hawthorn, known for its heart-healing properties and deep symbolic connections to the natural and spiritual worlds, has bee [...]
This article explores La Vendemmia, the Italian grape harvest, focusing on the deep cultural and spiritual significance of winemaking in Sardinia. From ancient Dionysian rites to modern communal practices, we delve into how the grape harvest connects people to the rhythms of the land, the wisdom of their ancestors, and the cycles of life and death.
Welcome to a curated collection of my writings and recordings on Sardinia, where the rich tapestry of nature, ancient histories, [...]
Artwork by Roberto Campus from A Guide to Celebrating the 12 Days of Yule As we journey through the 12 Days of Yule, we arrive at [...]
As our trilogy of late autumnal fruits draws to a close, we reach the finale with two fruits that embody the spirit of late autumn [...]
A Journey to Scotland I invite you on a cultural and culinary expedition to Scotland with the First Footing Tradition. This practi [...]