There are many pre-Christian celebrations that occur on the cusp of spring and summer in the northern hemisphere, celebrated on April 30th and May 1st. Over the years, I have created some resources to help you enjoy this magical season full of stories about fairies and visits to the Otherworld.
May Seasonal Guide: Beltane

Beltane is one of the holy Pagan feast days that most people have heard about. But do you know the origins of it? Or how it relates to some of the other holidays celebrated at this time of year, like Walpurgis Night? In this 60 pages downloadable PDF guide, you will find out all about Beltane and so much more. Includes history, folklore, activities, and recipes. CLICK HERE>>to download.

Old Ways for Modern Days Podcast Episode: Beltane
This episode is from my Wheel of the Year series. In this 12-month series, we go deeper into the Wheel of the Year by also celebrating the more subtle changes in our environment and in the energy of the season by exploring each month.
*Three Billy Goats Gruff
*How & why Land Spirits are honored in May
*Land Spirt Offerings
*Sacred Fire’s role in Beltane Celebrations
*Various European May Celebrations
*Bringing in the May
*The Meaning of the Maypole
*Maggio Di Accettura

Sacred Foods: Honey Magic
Have you ever wondered why we offer honey to the Fairy Folk? Honey has been called the food of the Gods, a healing powerhouse, and the best gift for the Faerie Queen. Many ancient cultures saw this golden elixir as a link between life and death or between our world and the world of the Gods and other divine beings.
Humans have gathered honey since at least Neolithic times, and we’ve kept bees for almost 5,000 years. Honey is ancestral food, and bees are important Ancestral symbols representing the unbreakable link across the plant and animal kingdoms.
As you read these 80 pages of history, lore, magic, and ritual (+ a recipe, of course!), you will see honey is nothing short of pure magic!
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