Seasonal Guide – Carnevale

Seasonal Guide – Carnevale


100 pages downloadable PDF guide, all about Carnevale

Most people know Mardi Gras, yet that’s just the culmination of a many weeks long cycle of public & often archaic rituals, a modern conglomeration of Old & New World mythology. Carnival gives us the perfect opportunity to explore how the old & new come together in a way that benefits the continuation of long-held traditions.

In this 100 page booklet we learn about how the foundation of the Carnival indulgences we participate in today had to do with solving a very practical problem in the past.

We look at many popular Carnival traditions with an animist perspective to illustrate how traditions are not stagnant, but rather like living breathing entities. We also take the opportunity to understand the academic (or pseudo-academic, it could be argued) drive to debunk any theories that have no written documentation & how that specifically relates to Carnival & it’s living traditions, but crosses over into many other celebrations our Pagan Ancestors celebrated.

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • What is Carnival?
  • What Does Carnival Mean?
  • What is Mardi Gras?
  • Swabian Fasching
  • Weiberfastnacht
  • The Nubben
  • So, is Carnival Pagan?
  • Saturnalia
  • Lupercalia
  • So, Then it’s NOT Pagan?
  • The Drive to Debunk
  • Traditions are Alive
  • Sardinian Carnevale is So Pagan
  • Mamuthones
  • Sa Sartiglia
  • The Gods of Carnival
  • Coriandoli/Confetti
  • Foods of Carnevale
  • Fried Dough
  • Recipes
  • Frappe from Sugar Love Spices
  • Buckwheat & Yogurt
  • Pancakes with Apples
  • Saffron Pancakes with Ricotta and Honey
  • References
  • The Four Keys
  • How to Connect
  • About the Author
A Note on Pricing: My #1 priority is for my work to be accessible to anyone who wants it. I also want to feel like the 20+ hours that go into producing each of these guides is supportive of my time. So I’ve decided on a pay as you like model, in which I receive a minimum of 5 per guide. If you believe the guide is worth more than €5, and can offer more than that, I will gladly receive it. You can also support the Old Ways for Modern Days community on Patreon for €5 x month to access all previous and future guides. Extra funds allow me to continue to provide meaningful free content, like Podcasts, Blog Posts and Videos. As always, thank you.
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100 pages downloadable PDF guide all about Carnevale

Most people know Mardi Gras, yet that’s just the culmination of a many weeks long cycle of public & often archaic rituals, a modern conglomeration of Old & New World mythology. Carnival gives us the perfect opportunity to explore how the old & new come together in a way that benefits the continuation of long-held traditions.

In this 100 page booklet we learn about how the foundation of the Carnival indulgences we participate in today had to do with solving a very practical problem in the past.

We look at many popular Carnival traditions with an animist perspective to illustrate how traditions are not stagnant, but rather like living breathing entities. We also take the opportunity to understand the academic (or pseudo-academic, it could be argued) drive to debunk any theories that have no written documentation & how that specifically relates to Carnival & it’s living traditions, but crosses over into many other celebrations our Pagan Ancestors celebrated.


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