Join the Old Ways for Modern Families Wait List
The Course
Old Ways for Modern Families is a journey that helps you tend the flame of your Ancestors. We’ll weave old-world traditions, skills & magic seamlessly into your modern daily life so you can support your children’s innate wisdom, which nurtures their connection to the enchanted world around them.
If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you long to weave some old-world magic into the mundane aspects of your life. Maybe you’re like me and have spent years trying to un-learn the conditioning of the overculture that is not built to last, that values rapid change, exploitation & consumerism.
If you have kids, you might wonder what kind of a world we’re leaving for them. Maybe you’re actively raising your kids to be compassionate & earth-honoring souls but feel frustrated & overwhelmed at times as you plod through the endless list of daily tasks.
- Would you like to raise your kids with an earth-centric & animistic worldview where their innate wisdom, curiosity & imagination are upheld & valued as the sacred tools they are?
- Is watching your children flourish into grounded, compassionate & generous human beings filled with the light of their unique magic one of your life goals?
- Do you wish to support your loved ones in the work they came here to do & contribute to building the kind of world we want them to live in?
It might seem like a tall order, especially with the busy lives we lead. I want to tell you that it’s less complicated than it sounds.
All it takes is a shift in perspective that allows you to spiral back to the wisdom that lives inside each one of your cells. Once you open the door & enable this awareness to sit at the helm, it’s like a new sparkly filter fits over your eyes & you notice that everything is overlaid with magical interconnectedness.
Does this sound like you?
You are a parent, would-be parent, or caregiver
You want to reclaim the earth-centric & animistic traditions of our Ancestors & pass that knowledge on to the next generations
You’re spiritually minded & want to weave magic into your family’s everyday activities
You want your kids to feel empowered by their innate gifts & support them in the work they came here to do
You’re ready to shed paradigms & systems that keep you from connecting more deeply with your family & the world around you
You believe you can help build a better world through caring for loved ones
Want to connect with other parents on the same path
Old Ways for Modern Families
Join other caregivers who want to nurture a magical relationship with their spirited child(ren) through creating family traditions, daily rituals & magic in their everyday lives.
Why You’ll Love it
Our worldview shapes how we interact & connect with the world around us. It molds our lives in its image, it informs our values & ultimately helps us make important decisions & take action. Our society tells us that short-term goals, instant gratification & gadgets will make our lives easier. We allow outside circumstances like job locations to shape our lives. But something doesn’t feel right…
Our Ancestors knew that true wealth & prosperity came from the land you lived on, your community (of human & otherkin) & your relationship to the Old Gods. They didn’t have to learn it because these beliefs were woven into everything they did.
They thrived. The evidence of it lives on in the sacred places they built & tended to honor the Gods, spirits, Ancestors & all life. Whether it was a stone circle or a grove of trees, or their many traditions & stories that they passed down to us, they have survived. They built things to last even if they never saw the end result because they believed that their hope &, therefore, the hope of the beautiful & enchanted world we are a part of is in the ones who come after us.
Those pieces that remain of their cultures create our roadmap back to a place of belonging in the web of life we are a part of for ourselves & our children.
About your Guide
I’m Jenn Campus. Author, anthropologist & mythologist. I’m also a busy mom of two young kids who I want to raise with the animistic worldview of my Ancestors.
My daughter is neurodiverse, and she’s been my greatest teacher for re-aligning my own mindset to conceive of the world I want to live in & the values I want to pass on to the next generation.
Over the years, facing my daughter’s challenges with her, I’ve found easy & seamless tools, techniques & rituals to deepen my children’s already complex inner worlds so they can face the outer one with confidence. These frameworks support their curious & imaginative minds & their intuitive ways of showing up in the world.
I want to support other parents & caregivers in doing the same in their families!
We’ll weave a rich tapestry of old-world traditions, skills & magic seamlessly into your modern daily life. Each moment & every action you take from the most mundane to the mythic is in devotion to the world you want to see & build for those who come after us.

Need to Know
The course is offered in Spring & Fall- everyone on the waitlist will be notified first.
- Get 50% off the price of the course ($396) by becoming a Patreon member
- Only WL members are eligible for Early Bird pricing