As a Mythologist and Scribe of The Old Ones, I translate the unspoken words of the unseen world into stories that captivate our imagination and stir us to come into right relationship with the world and all its inhabitants.
As an Anthropologist, I distill those esoteric experiences down to their essence to create various practical frameworks to inspire you to create your own simple daily rituals and traditions that you can apply today to become re-enchanted with the world around you. These traditions can then be left as a legacy to the ones who come after us.
I’m a two-time best-selling author. I have a degree in Anthropology and Indigenous/Native American Studies from Hampshire College in Amherst, MA.
I am an ongoing student of Seiðr and Ancestral lineage healing/ repair work. As a Third Road Initiate, and through self-study of the esoteric arts I have decades worth of experiences creating rituals and family traditions.
I studied Culinary Arts at Sterling College in Craftsbury, VT. I’ve taught cooking classes to children and adults. I developed a program for Vermont members of WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) to make the best use of their food program and I was involved in their Farm to Food program. I was part of the Vermont Food Sovereignty movement and Non-GMO (GMO labelling) activist for over a decade.
My husband and I renovated and ran a homestead in Vermont for almost 10 years. Through this experience we acquired the skills to grow our own food, herbs, and raise animals. I’ve been working with herbs and creating my own remedies since the early 90’s. I have lived in Italy, Norway, Belgium, and the Navajo Reservation in Arizona.

“If I am alive today, it is because a long line of mothers fueled with traditional wisdom survived to bring forth the gift of life. “ ~Jenn Campus